Our investigators know Tunisia well, particularly the major areas of Tunis, Hammamet and Sfax; our staff collectively have good language skills, with a fluent French speaker and are able to work discreetly and efficiently within the country, familiar with the cultural environment
An industrial and commercial centre with substantial import / export activity, there is demand in Sfax for professional corporate and other investigation from the city's chemical, engineering and trading companies. The city is linked by train and autoroute to Tunis and to the South. Something that makes working in Sfax easier than in other areas of Tunisia is that, unlike in such as Hammamet as a European one is not constantly pestered to buy or view; it is easy to move with impunity and without arousing curiosity
Detectives at Answers Investigation have many areas of specialist business experience from office fraud to computer forensics, surveillance, employment issues, moonlighting, fingerprinting, and drug use at work
With a good working knowledge of the country, and a fluent French speaker on our staff (as well as other competent French speakers), we are well positioned for investigation in the country. Travel from the UK is cheap, and ongoing costs minimal
Hammamet is a popular tourist destination for British holidaymakers and consequently the location of investigations of a matrimonial or infidelity nature. The advantage of knowing the country - which most holidaymakers don't - helps surveillance