Criminal Investigation
Private Detective

We are increasingly involved in investigation of criminal matters from building defence cases to investigating crime. Call us to discuss your problem on 020 7158 0332 or send email to

Answers Investigation tackle more than just civil issues and litigation. Areas we have covered include:

  • Theft
  • Criminal defence
  • Criminal defence abroad
  • Fraud
  • Violence
  • Computer misuse
  • Malicious Mail
  • Stalking
  • Criminal damage
  • The unfortunate findings from the Crime Survey for England and Wales 2018 shows many of these crimes to be on the rise. Theft is up 8% from the previous year, showing people’s property and belongings are at the forefront of utilitarian crime

    There has also been an increase in more serious types of violence being reported, instances involving knives and sharp instruments rising yearly. (ONS, June 2018).

    When you need to turn for help, the police and security service are not the only options available to you

    Answers Investigation have the authority and experience to get you the results you require. Our team of expert detectives and forensic specialists have been involved in hundreds of cases, many of which featured the crimes above and most of which have seen progression through our involvement. It is true that sometimes not every case is solvable. However, with our help, no option or resource is excluded when it comes to righting the damage left in the wake of criminal actions against you or your business

    Whether you have experienced a crime, or simply have not had the quality response needed from those who you originally sought help from, our team can strive to get the results you desire. No matter what the case may involve, our professional and experienced investigators have the capacity to deal with any matter presented

    Telephone 020 7158 0332 to speak to an investigator or send an email to for more information

    Succesfully building a case for defence through scene investigation, witness tracing and statement assimilation

    Private Investigation

    Our experience in Europe and North Africa enables us to assist clients facing criminal charges overseas successfully in Spain and elsewhere

    Corporate Investigation

    With Police forces failing to investigate many cases of theft in the workplace and at home, we use our investigative skills and forensic resources

    Theft in the Workplace and theft at home

    Senders of Hate Mail hide behind an anonymity that we have frequently uncovered, reporting as a crime or confronting the perpetrator

    Hate Mail and Mailcious Mail

    Victims of Assault and Violence may not obtain closure from a police investigation; civil investigation may push a matter forward

    Violent and other Assault Victims

    In-house Computer Forensic examination of computers that may have been misused, either in the workplace or at home

    Forensic examination of computer misuse at work and home

    Stalking and Harrassment, while defined criminal acts, do not always get brought to task, an area where our assistance can be key

    Cost of Hiring a Private Investigator

    We have identified the perpetrators of fraud and internet scams and recovered losses for bothe companies and individuals

    Recovering money lost through fraud

    Forensically assessing Criminal Damage - from vandalism to deliberate road traffic accident - with evidential impact

    Identifying the perpetrator of criminal damage
    Private Investigator

    "searching the world for answers"

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