Damage to property including that of homesteads and vehicles, is still current in UK crime statistics. In June 2019 it was the 4th most reported crime in the entirety of England and Wales (UKCrimeStats). However, where previously criminals sought to inflict their actions over the cover of darkness, figures are now leaning towards incidents occurring during the daytime and when those who own the property are out or away
Sometimes viewed as a lower-end crime, your case can end up being brushed aside in favour of what may be perceived as more predominant or more pressing matters. Despite this, clients we have assisted have been given the support they need to lead to having damages returned to them and the offender brought to justice, even if their case wasn’t initially looked into by the relevant authorities
Fingerprinting and forensic analysis is a common avenue to explore in vehicle damage. If latent prints can be found, evidence can be brought to conjunction with police forces who can assist discovering the identity of the offender. The example of offenders ‘keying’ victims’ cars is far too commonplace, the percentage of scratched bodywork reporting rising since before 2010. Crucial evidence can help build your case if prints are left on the car in the process. Aside from forensic examination, evidence gathered can form from areas such as CCTV evidence, witness statements and records research
It is not just the individual who is subject to damage. The total costs of crimes in England and Wales in the 2015/16 era was projected around £9bn to businesses and corporate entities. Companies of all ranges and size contact us about investigating burglaries, for a more discrete investigation, for when all is still not clear. It may also be the case that your relevant authorities have not picked up the issue at hand due to situating circumstances, or the issue of insurance requiring extra material or proof to reimburse
In areas of arson and other criminal damage, it is said that every year over 80% of victims are emotionally affected in some format. The loss of an item or the purposeful destruction of your property can leave a bitter taste and a want for action. Let us help you take charge and help to restore what is now owed to you
Contact 020 7158 0332 to speak to an investigator or email info@private-detectives.co.uk for more information. Deliver justice to those who have taken from you and take steps towards getting compensation today
Without compromising Police Investigation, our experience in Criminal Investigation facilitates a conclusion to unresolved crime
Providing and evidencing a defence case for those accused or charged by the Criminal Justice system, in conjunction with legal firms
Investigation of theft at home and theft in business, combining forensics and investigative enquiry, tracing and statements
Working for the defence of Britons and US citizens charged with offences in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa
Defeating the oppressive scourge of anonymous malicious mail using forensic and other techniques to identify the sender
Collating detailed evidence in assault cases in defence of spurious allegation to support the Defendant and Complainant
Stalking and Harrassment, while defined criminal acts, do not always get brought to task, an area where our assistance can be key
We have identified the perpetrators of fraud and internet scams and recovered losses for bothe companies and individuals
Computers cannot lie - our Computer Investigation services use mathematics and I.T. know-how to rebuild deleted files and timeline