Here is a sad fact of business life - you may think your employees work for you, but it is often the case that your money is paying for someone's time elsewhere. This may be when they are "sick", or during time when you think they are fully employed
It may be that they appear to be working for you while they are setting up a company in competition to you - with the potential of stealing your database and perhaps even some of your key staff
Most full time employees are required to work full time for one employer only, however some will invariably breach the terms of their contract by "moonlighting" for others. If an employee carries out work for another which they have agreed to do only for their main employer, then any profits they make are legally due to their main employer
Of course, if the secondary work does not fall within the description of their normal work they need not pay over any profits, although their employer will still be able to recover compensation in law from the employee for any actual loss as a result of the breach of contract
There is also the ever present danger that your employee may be planning to set up in competition - in addition to using your time to fund their own business they may well be stealing customer data or other intellectual property that will damage you after they leave. Our disciplines of computer forensics and surveillance will obtain evidence of the misdoing - as this miscreant found out to his cost
In addition to the potential financial loss we have encountered several instances whereby an employees unknown part-time occupation has had an effect not only on how they conduct their work for their main employer, but also proved detrimental to the reputation of their employers business - such as the account manager recognised by customers working underdressed in a London bar
For practical assistance and consultation on this difficult issue contact us in the first instance either by telephone on 01483 200999 or email to All matters are handled sensitively, confidentially and discreetly
While many are geuninely absent through sickness, many use sickness absence as a reason not to fulfil their duties
Handling sensitive issues relating to the activities of employees and staff sensitively without causing a corporate embarrassment
Our evidence has been used at employment tribunal on many occasions with succcesful results for the client
Our Private Investigators feature in a BBC documentary following a moonlighting chef - click here for the whole article