There are often misunderstandings, especially after separation or divorce, as to the role of different kinds of carers and their rights and responsibilities. We detail the main groups of people who may care for children and their basic legal position. Please note this is a guide only and we accept no liability fo innacuracies
Each have parental responsibility for their child and have the right to have their child living with them, unless the court has made a residence or care order saying the child should live with someone else. They can exercise their parental responsibility independently of each other. Both parents continue to have parental responsibility even if they separate or divorce unless the court orders otherwise
Whether or not she is living with the father of the child, has sole parental responsibility for the child.
An unmarried father can acquire the following rights and responsibilities:-
Grandparents have no automatic rights or responsibilities in relation to their grandchildren. They may be able to acquire rights and responsibilities through the court in the following ways:-
Foster carers have day-to-day responsibility for looking after a child in their care. They have no automatic parental responsibility. Parental responsibility remains with the parents and, if there is a care order, with the local authority. Foster parents in certain circumstances can apply to court to obtain rights in relation to the child.
A child often has a close relationship with other relatives and friends and sometimes may be fully cared for by them. However, these adults have no rights and responsibilities in relation to the child unless these have been granted by a court or the person is a guardian. They can ask the court's permission to apply for a residence, contact, prohibited steps or specific issue order or they may have an automatic right to apply for a residence or contact order if the child has lived with them for three years or if someone with parental responsibility has given them permission. They may be paid a residence order allowance
Surrogacy is an arrangement whereby a woman agrees to become pregnant and then hands the child over to another woman or couple. The surrogate mother may conceive using the sperm of either the commissioning man or a donor. Alternatively a couple could have in-vitro fertilisation treatment and have the embryo transferred to the surrogate mother
Despite the surrogacy arrangement, the woman who has given birth to the child is seen in law as the child's mother and retains exclusive rights over that child if she is single
If she is married, the child is assumed to be a child of the marriage and the woman and her husband each have parental responsibility
A married couple who commissioned the child can apply to court for an order which would result in the child being treated in law as their child ('a parental order'). Certain conditions have to be met:-
It may be possible for the commissioning couple to adopt the child
If a child born after 31 July 1991 is conceived by donor insemination, arranged through a licensed establishment to a married couple, the married man is the legal father of the child unless he can prove that he did not consent to his wife having donor insemination. The baby must be registered as if it were the child of the couple
For unmarried women, the child's birth is registered with 'father unknown'. If the woman has a male partner who wishes to register on the birth certificate as the father, he may do so under certain circumstances. If the woman has a woman partner, the partner can apply to court for a joint residence order with the mother in order to acquire parental responsibility once the child has been born
If donor insemination is not arranged through a licensed establishment, the position of the mother and donor would be the same as that of any other unmarried mother and father, if the mother knows who the donor is, for example, the donor would have financial responsibilities for the child and could apply for a parental responsibility order
If the mother did not know who the donor is, for example, if the donor insemination had been arranged through a third party, the donor cannot be pursued, for example, by the Child Support Agency and an intermediary cannot be forced to reveal the donor's name. If the donor insemination were arranged through a licensed establishment, the donor cannot be recognised as having parental responsibility because the law says that the child has no legal father
If a parent has a residence order in her favour, s/he can go back to court to have the order varied to include the step-parent. This will give the step-parent parental responsibility for the child
The step-child has no automatic rights of inheritance from her/his step-parent
Even if step-parents do not have parental responsibility, they do have some responsibility towards step-children whom they have treated as members of their own family (known as 'child of the family') and may be required by the court to provide financial support for step-children if the marriage ends. This will not usually happen if the children are being financially provided for by their original parent
If the marriage between the step-parent and the parent ends, the step-parent could ask for leave to apply for a contact order
The Internet is one of the most valuable resources of the 21st century. It is also a facility open to potential abuse by people who may prove a danger to your family's wellbeing
An alcohol culture amongst the young; dangers of drug supply to young people; drug abuse; what to do and how we may help without invading your child's privacy
Who do your children talk to? The dangers of internet message services and social networking, and the potential your children may have for making friends with someone who is not what they seem
We are often involved in matters of custody and fair access. Parental rights vary according to the status of the carer. We will take all steps to ensure that such matters are handed ethically and morally
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The extent of our resources is seen as Answers, approached by the BBC News, set up an internet grooming sting, talking to and meeting an internet groomer - see the full story here
Private Detectives from Answers Investigation interviewed by Philip and Fern on This Morning on the subject of Teenage and Child investigation issues and past investigations
"Parenting now is not what it was 20 years ago. These days, it's easy for kids to get involved in some really bad business" - Read the full article in She Magazine
We have a contingency of young people on our staff, all competent and matched to an experienced investigator; they have a rapport and understanding of the teenage world