419 Fraud / Advance Fee Fraud is a common crime with a myriad of schemes and scams initiated through email, fax and telephone. Almost everyone reading this will have received a similar email
Initiated through email and telephone, we have recovered monies scammed from people and companies. Almost everyone reading this will have received an email like this - the majority end up where they deserve to be, in your email junk folder. Periodically, the nature of the emails changes, with different stories and there is no shame in being fooled by them. Every year, people are fooled, sometimes for hundreds and sometimes for thousands of pounds/euros- if you are a victim, we can help
We won't shock you with some of the stories of what happened to people fooled by these approaches - there are plenty of resources on the internet to do that. Aside from being defrauded of large sums of money, victims have been kidnapped, physically assaulted and worse. What we can do is to try and help you - as we recently achieved for a client in Europe whose father had been defrauded. Not only did we recover a loss of €10,000, we were able to get one of the fraudsters arrested as he waited for his victim to arrive at a London airport
We have also helped many people involved in Boileroom scams - share scams where the operator will sell worthless shares at inflated prices to investors that are impossible to sell. Fake stockbrokers cold call their victims, proposing they buy shares in a company that has been ramped, or selling shares in thin air before taking the money and running. Experienced investors have been caught out as well as novices. Again, we have managed to recover at least partial funds for a number of clients, tracing the perpetrators and bringing them to task
What you should do next is talk to us. Don't worry about feeling foolish - scamsters rely on their victims feeling personally humiliated at what they see as naiveté; we will not judge you and will listen to your story with empathy. Take a look at what happened to one scamster who tried to defraud our client
The arrest of an email scammer exposed and apprehended by Answers Investigation with help from Bedfordshire Police
Every year rip-off boiler-rooms continue to sting UK investors despite attempts to crack down. UK investors are cold-called by fake-stockbrokers
We have innovative ways of helping victims of blackmail, resolving and finding a solution to a stressful & life damaging problem