Fingerprinting South Africa Criminal Records Check
Corporate Investigator Answers Investigation

South Africa
[Full Service]


Criminal Records Check

Surrey: 01483 200999
Hants: 02380 308274

Taking care of your whole application for you, including dealing with SAPS (South Africa Police Service)

There are notorious difficulties and delays when obtaining a Criminal Records Check certificate from South Africa

To make your liffe easier, we will deal with the whole application for you, handling the application from start to finish. This will include liaison with SAPS, taking your fingerprints, paying all fees and monitoring progress. In general, our procedures will speed up the time it takes

Call us to learn more and to make an appointment, either at our convenient offices in London or at a location of your choice

All documentation necessary for the application is held in stock

Our tecnicians and administrators will dedicate time for your needs and keep you updated every step of the way

London: 020 7158 0332
Surrey: 01483 200999
Hants: 02380 308274

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