Service of legal papers to Armed Forces - Process Serving

Process Server

Service of Documents to Armed Services

Service of legal documents to members of the armed forces - call us on 01252 308475 to arrange service discreetly and professionally

Process serving armed forces army navy raf

Service of documents to members of the Armed Forces can be different from normal document service. We serve hundreds of legal documents every year, in the UK and Internationally, ranging from Court Orders to Winding Up Petitions

With some of our sites close to Army, RAF and Navy bases we are often called upon to effect service of legal papers to members of the armed forces, who may be permanently based at a camp or there temporarily for training etc. Not having free access on site, we will work with the co-operation of the Royal Military Police, especially if there is the remotest possibility of an adverse reaction from the respondent

Before a serviceman can be served the instructing solicitor will need to find out where they are serving, if not already known. It may be necessary to write to the Ministry of Defence; letters of enquiry need to show that they are made solely with a view to service of legal process in civil proceedings and need to contain the subject's name, service number and rank with an undertaking that address will be disclosed only to the court

If service is to be effected personally an appointment will have to be sought through the Commanding Officer or adjutant of the unit for the purpose of effecting service by which the C.O. may grant permission for the process server to enter the Establishment or offer arrangements for the serviceman to attend at a place in the vicinity (in practice, often the RMP station or the guardhouse)

There are no special arrangements to assist in service of process when a serviceman is outside the United Kingdom, however the appropriate office will give an approximate date when the serviceman is likely to return to the UK. Providing an undertaking has been made that an address will only be revealed to the Court HM Forces may reveal the last known address after discharge, howver in no other case will the Department disclose a private address

For details of process serving rates,call us on +44 01483 200999 or email to

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