A skilled and competent Investigator and Researcher, Romanian born Adina speaks fluent Italian, Romanian and English
Adina first spent time with us on work experience with us, getting involved in varying aspects of our work including research, making door to door enquiries, process serving, meeting clients at a function, Challenge 25 and surveillance. Impressed with her competence and abilities, she now has several years experience on permanent staff, having worked across the UK, in France, Romania, Europe and in Singapore
Romanian born and living in Italy before moving to England, Adina is trilingual (English, Italian and Romanian) and a University graduate. She is adept and skilled in fingerprint techniques
Willing to get involved in anything, advantage was taken of Adina's young appearance; she has a chameleon like ability to appear anywhere between 15 and 25 years old, rendering her invisible on surveillance. Frequently engaged in test purchasing for Challenge 25, she will play on her non-English accent to divert focus
Of her first week with us, Adina says:
Becoming a detective wasn’t on my list of dream jobs. I didn’t think it could excite me enough. Having spent one week at Answers Investigation I understood that you don’t know what you like until you try it
From my first day I had the opportunity to experience new things such as physical investigation enquires. I was very surprised when they took me to a business drinks treating me like one of their colleague
I was able to learn how to take finger prints and read some of the pervious investigations. This week helped me understand that being a detective can be exciting even though not all of your time is spent ‘on the field’
One of the downsides of looking underaged, however, was being quickly drafted in for the opportunity of obtaining some illustrative photographs for our Challenge 21 and Challenge 25 training and test purchasing programmes
Not all of Adina's week was work, however, social sides including an evening's ice skating at the local ice rink in which her ice skating skills were put to the test
Private Investigation in Italy, the location of many assignments
We regularly work in Romania in Bucharest, Brasov and elsewhere
Work Experience with Answers Investigation can lead to other opportunities